Final Blog Post

                                                                                 Overview of Technology

   Technology is all around us at every second of the day whether we make a phone call, watch a movie, or drive a car- we are using technology. We are in the Age of AI.  AI is a set of tools that help you maximize an objective function. Technology is advancing so much that automation and tech processes are taking a lot of people’s jobs. AI is the future of work. our human intelligence cannot compete with artificial intelligence.  AI challenges democracy and equality. This is going to reshape every concept of the economy as well as every aspect of our lives.

Concerns of Technology

There are many concerns about technology. One of the biggest is privacy. Privacy is one of these big problems everyone is starting to question. Many critics are questioning google saying that- we are not searching google, google is searching us. We aren’t using social media; social media is using us. It doesn't matter what you post, it matters that you post. The smallest surplus of detail has huge value to social media companies. Privacy is a big concern with all of our newfound technology. Everyone is now left questioning “can tech take over human intelligence?”

My Relationship with Technology

 Honestly, my relationship with technology is not always all smiles and giggles. A lot of the time it is quite the opposite. I spend way too much of my valuable time doing wasteful things on technology. Rather than using my time for something productive I sometimes find myself scrolling on social media for hours since most of the apps are bottomless- meaning that the apps keep refreshing and new content keeps getting posted. Thankfully I have learned and made some of my own stopping cues in order to cut my time back on technology use. 

My parents have to use technology in their daily lives for their occupations. My dad is always having to make phone calls. Without technology, he would not be able to do his job; therefore, he puts it to good use. This goes the same for my mother. Technology impacts my sister in a positive way as well. She has created multiple websites and business accounts in order to expose her to the business world. I have witnessed many of my friends not put technology in a positive way. I see so many people wasting their time on useless apps and games on their phones. Technology can be very very distracting. For example, when I study with a group of friends and one of their phones go off, they stop what they are doing to check their phone. Many- if not all of us are guilty of doing this. Technology halts us from getting our important work done. 

Is Technology Misleading?

 In my opinion, I believe that technology has misled me in many ways. There is so much bias now you never know what you can or can’t believe. For example, take Fox News and CNN. Both of these news stations can be reporting the same story but from a completely different perspective. Someone who watches one station will have a different opinion due to this rather than someone watching the opposing station. To be specific, there was much misleading information in the past presidential election. For example, false information was spread about some of the candidates that hurt them in the end. I worry that this problem is only going to worsen as time goes on. 

Fake Images

A lot of the images you see on technology are enhanced, edited, or photoshopped. This is very misleading for everyone- especially the younger generation. Young girls are comparing themselves to unrealistic images. This has led to a spike in eating disorders.  Another problem on social media is cyberbullying. If technology was not a thing, cyberbullying would not exist. Many people come face to face with online bullies. These include people being called names, receiving threats, taunting, etc. Unfortunately, some serious cases of cyberbullying lead to suicide.  

My Online Footprint

My online footprint has always been about positivity. I make sure to never post something I will one day regret. Before posting something ask yourself this, “would my grandma approve?” if the answer is yes, then you are probably safe to post it, however, if the answer is no, then maybe you should reconsider posting. Posts last forever, even when they are deleted. They are forever stored in the cloud. This is why it is important to always think twice before posting something. One post could ruin your chances of getting your dream job. Thankfully for me, my parents have always taught me to never post anything I would regret. If I were to apply for a job right now, I wouldn’t even think twice about an employer looking me up online. I know I have never posted anything I would regret. 


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