blog post #6


 Diffusions of Innovation

How did video meetings become such a hot item, even with Corporations?  Let's take a look at Video Meetings through the eyes of the Diffusion Theory.


     How did video platforms such as Teams or Zoom become such a hot commodity?  Let's explore the current pandemic, Coronavirus. People gravitated to anything online, avoiding exposure of the disease, so that's where video meetings became popular.


     Upside with Employers? Of course, businesses can keep moving forward with production when employees are connected. For example, a lot of employees with companies such as Wells Fargo worked from home. Workers could still be productive from home, connecting with management and coworkers in completing tasks.


     Downside with Employers?  Well, certainly...working from home can cause us to be a little non-productive. Perhaps an employee might start the workday a little later or take a longer lunch break, creating slacking on the job, creating tasks not being completed, or employees not being as productive. Some people would be late adopters because let's face it, some people just struggle with technology and don't like learning new things.


     The positive outweighs the negative.  Adapting to the challenges of the pandemic and making a new idea work, has definitely made video meetings a new norm for most businesses. As matter of fact, even families can use Zoom or other platforms for connecting with others. Examples are parent/teacher conferences or online doctor's appointments. Video meetings are here to stay- the convenience and ease keep all of us connected, even at work!


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