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Google & Facebook Privacy

 Google Chrome has put 2.6 billion users at risk. This probably includes both you and me. After reading this, you are going to want to quit using it and delete it off of your computer ASAP. Chrome does not protect your security nor privacy. This is quite alarming due to the fact all our information can be leaked at any minute. On a Forbes news story, it says, "Google finally admitted it had "accidentally" allowed millions of users to be secretly tracked." This is very scary for every single one of us. What do they want with this information, and what are they going to do with it? We will never know.

Google says it will put our privacy first; however, they still haven't and probably never will. Google uses us as surveillance for themselves and rumor has it; the government too. Google is only worried about profit instead of putting its user's private information first. You've made it this far... are you going to keep using google chrome? 

I've now covered the cons of google chrome lets talk about Facebook now. 

Facebook has been involved in yet another scandal.. no surprise there. This isn't just any scandal; it is a serious privacy problem. "The Facebook data privacy scandal centers around the collection of personally identifiable information of "up to 87 million people"… This is a ridiculous amount of people that are now prone to having their private information leaked at any minute.

Companies like Facebook can now gain access to this information whenever they want to, which is a massive invasion of privacy, in my opinion.

If you want privacy, then you might want to stay off the internet. There is no way of having privacy for ourselves. 

Have you ever tried to look your name up on google? Try it now; what can you find? See any questionable pictures that you don't know how they got there? It Is scary how there are images and information about all of us without having our permission. For example, you can find someone's home address, where they work, their net worth, etc. Technology is evolving by the minute so our information will probably become even easier for companies to steal. Hopefully, this problem will get better in the near future, or else there is no telling what will happen next. 


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