Blog Post # 1

Blog Post #1

It can be challenging trying to find a News source that is right for you. It is important to not only rely on just one source. Unfortunately, a lot of “Fake News” exists. This makes it hard to define between the trustworthy stations and the not so trustworthy ones. It is important to find, feel, and believe the real truth and facts in the midst of all the news hype and craziness happening in today's society. Everyone needs to broaden their minds and be sure to read more than one source for different perspectives on important issues.


The first news site I like to watch is BBC news. First of all, I love watching this source since it covers international news. World-wide news coverage is important to shine light on what is happening internationally, not just staying inside a bubble within our own country. BBC is a statutory company; therefore, it is not government owned. This is good since the information should not be biased. One site I came across said that 56% of US citizens called BBC trustworthy. This is not the best ratio and BCC is aware of the untrustworthiness that consumers feel. Therefore, BBC is currently trying to build up their trust for their viewers.

One of the bigger news stations that leans Conservative is Fox News. This is personally one of my favorite sources to watch. Fox News covers very important issues that are currently happening within our country and around the world.  Fox News is consistently rated very high with viewers.  In matter of fact, Fox News typically beats out the other news stations for viewership, generally in the evening time slots. Fox News presents breaking news and current events in a fair light, usually providing various commentary views.

CNN News is a very popular news station as well.  I enjoy watching this news outlet since it does focus on national and international stories.  However, viewership is down for CNN.  CNN is trying to re-gain their image by changing the various time slots for their news anchors.  Furthermore, the popular viewing times in the evenings will have the news hosts that generate the highest viewership. In comparison to Fox News, CNN also provides breaking news and current events in a fair light, with various commentary views. Many viewers find CNN to be trustworthy, however, viewership increases and decreases depending on elections and other major stories, such as the pandemic.

It is important to not only follow national news, but also your local news. I live in Charlotte, North Carolina. Therefore, I read The Charlotte Observer. I recommend everyone in the Charlotte area to read it as well. This is a great news source since it covers local news as well as national news. This particular news source is very interesting and informative since it allows the people and the editorial staff to voice their opinions. Not many news sources provide these types of views and offerings.  It's also extremely important to be involved within your community and to have a good understanding of the happenings within the area.

Founded in 1851, the New York Times is a news source everyone should check out. It is a unique source since it is traditional compared to other known news outlets. The New York Times is a printed newspaper. Printed newspapers aren’t as common as they were back in the day. This newspaper is known to be one of the “best newspapers” around the world as it is considered informative and reliable. In addition, the New York Times has won various Pulitzer prizes for their “explanatory reporting”.

“The New York Times.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,

Overall, I like to watch a variety of news sources. However, the majority of these outlets might be biased. This is why it is important to get various perspectives on important issues. For example, Fox News and CNN are both rivals. Fox News may only cover part of an issue while CNN covers the other. These news stations also put these stories into their own words; therefore, people may never know which source to ultimately trust.



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